baby / babies (166)
back (104) (368)
back / the back (229) (321)
back / in the back (321)
back / in the back of (210)
backward (368)
bad, worse, worst (73)
badly = bad
bag (240) (380)
bake (316)
ball / play (72) (374)
ball in a hall (326)
banana (22) (307) (392)
band / music band (313) (392)
bandage, to (297)
bandage, a (297)
bank (326) (329) (383)
banknote (239)
bar (291) (385)
barber (309) (315) (359)
barely (368)
bark (364)
barrel (384)
basement (260)
basin (370)
Bath (383)
bath (206)
bath / take a bath (245)
bathe (206) (245)
bathroom (119) (206)
battle (382)
battlefield (394)
be (249) (250)
be = been, am, is, are, was, were
be able to (250) (253)
be used to (395)
bear (168)
bear, bore, borne= give birth (218)
beard (133) (328)
beautiful (14) (357)
because (168) (326)
because / since / as (366)
because of (213) (326) (390)
become, became, become (200)
bed (136) (341) (388)
bed clothes (373) (386)
bedroom (119)
bedside (179)
been = be, am, is, are, was, were
beer (170) (291)
before (160) (205) (329)
began = begin (190)
begin, began, begun (190) (200) (234)
beginning (131) (200)
begun = begin (190)
behind (39) (349)
being = be, am, is, are
being / human being (200) (364)
believe (222) (323) (397)
believer (397)
bell (181)
belly (47) (174) (321) (375)
belong to (345)
below (221)
belt (386)
bench (320)
beside (179) (227) (380)
best = good
best / at best (394)
better (177) = good
between (338)
bicycle (327) (368)
big / bigger / biggest (87) (188) (205) (301) (326) (344) (361) (384)
bike (29) (327) (368)
bill (302)
bird (14) (364)
birth (218)
bit / a bit of (200)
bite, bit, bitten (264)
bitterly (268) (394)
bitterness (394)
black (61) (174)
blackboard (320) (397)
blanket (262)
bleed, bled, bled (297)
blew = blow (256)
blind (386)
blink (184)
blizzard (282)
blood (58) (297)
bloody (297)
blouse (321) (365) (370) (373) (386)
blow, blew, blown / person (256)
blow, blew, blown / wind (282)
blue (163) (174)
blush (392) (395)
board, to (300)
boat (293)
body (386)
bomb (388)
bone (339)
book (96) (381) (387) (391)
border (382)
boring (355)
born (218)
borrow (218) (366) (367) (381)
both (330) (378)
bother (374)
bottle (293) (374) (384)
bottom (210)
bought = buy
bow / to (342)
box / boxes (193)
box / post office box (280)
boy (93)
branch (283)
bread (22) (309) (392)
break, broke, broken, break out (74)
break, broke, broken (323)
break in (372)
break the law (387)
breakfast (145)
breath (380)
brick (172)
bridge (391)
bright / face turns bright red (395)
Brighton (293)
bring, brought, brought (25)
broke / broken = break
broken / be broken (300)
broken / doesn’t work (334)
brother (157)
brought = bring
bruise (361)
brush (144) (256)
brush (256)
bucket (234)
buenos días (342)
build, built, built (172)
building (77) (393)
bullet (382) (388)
bunch (188)
burglar (372)
bus / buses (52) (282) (332)
bus stop (221)
bush (283)
business (272)
business / mine not yours (388)
businessman (389)
busy (257)
but (166)
butcher (339)
butter (306)
buy, bought, bought (162) (331) (366) (381) (393)
by (52) (172) (227)
by / pass by (304)
by this time (200)
by then (289)
by accident (213) (367)
by chance (367)
by / think by myself, yourself (216)
by / built by me / you / him / her / us / them (passive) (284)
by the sea (328)
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