Freitag, 29. Mai 2015

Letter P
Written by Rainer:
Learn languages (via Skype): Rainer: + 36 20 549 52 97 or + 36 20 334 79 74
Letter P
package (268) (280)
paid = pay 
pain (306) 
paint (144) (390)
painter (144)  
painting (311) 
paints (144)  
pair / a pair of trousers (240)  
pan (243) (316)
pants (212) 
paper (161) (304) (351) (371)
parcel (280) 
parents (157) 
Paris (286) 
park (183) 
particular / particularly (375) 
party (276) (384)
pass in front of (193)
pass by (304) (332)
pass / time passes (306)
pass an exam (398)
passenger (300)
passive (248) (251)
past (184) 
past (205)
past / drives past me (332)
path (283)
patient (361)
pay, paid, paid for (146) (302) (366)
pay attention (395)
pay = payment (357)
pen (161) (397)
penguin (276) 
people (53) (349) (394)
perform (392)
performance (392)
perhaps (398)
permission (351) (368)
permit (368) (387)
person (215) (397)
personally (389) 
persuade (381) 
phone (166) (364)
phone (198) (364)
phone call (254) 
photo (252) (383)
photograph (252) 
photographer (252) 
photography (383) 
pick flowers (188) 
pick up something from the floor (238) 
pick up somebody (304) 
pick up the phone (364) 
picture (97) (274) (311) (392) (394)
pie (316) (373) (392)
piece (239) (304)
pig (143) (339)
pity (378)
pizza (22) (392)
place (177) (384) (394)
place / take place (326) (382) 
place / all over the place (382) 
plane (262) (355)
plant / to plant (268) (369)
plant / a plant (268) (283) (369)
plaster / sticking plaster (361)
plate / dish (179) 
plate / number / license (391) 
play, plays, played (213) (295) (347) (357)
play music (392)
playground (396)
pleasant (287) 
pleasant time (398) 
please (23) 
pleased (193) = glad / happy
plenty of (384) 
plough (369) 
plug (172) 
PO Box (280) 
pocket (240)  
point at (344) 
point / there is no point in (366) 
Pole (224) 
police (184) (368) (369) (383) (391) (392)
police officer (184) (368)
police station (253) 
policeman (198) (368)
polite / politely (359) 
pool (370) 
poor (66) 
porter (380) 
possible (375) 
post (272) 
post office (272) 
post office box (280) 
postcard (280) (351)
postman (280) 
pot (179) (243) (316)
potato / -es (335) (369) (392)
pour (384)
powerful forces (394)
praise (326)
pray for (233) (397)
pre- (Grammar) 
prefer (203)
prepare (162) 
present (93) (205) (357)
present (257)
presume (323)
presumption (323)
pretty (177) 
pretty (209) (370)
priest (397)
prince (30) 
prison (369) 
prisoner (369) 
pro- (Grammar) 
probably (278) (323)
problem (186) (365) (384)
producer / film producer (334) 
professor (341) 
promote to (286) (393)
promote a house (393) 
proof (383) 
properly (395) 
propose (377) 
prosecutor (387) 
proud (381) 
prove (383) 
pub (170) (291) (385) (398)
puddle (370) 
pull out of (349)
pullover (365) (370) (373) (386)
punish (284) (368) (387)
punctual (361) 
pupil (15) (320) (326) (354)
puppy (345)
pure (384)
purse (272) 
push (391) 
put, put, put (162) (168) (372)
put on (177) 
put on clothes (386) 
put make-up on (257) 
put to sleep (345) 
pyjama (341) (386) = nightdress 

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